A lot of RV owners that need to sell their RV, either to upgrade or to simply use the money for something else, have heard of RV consignment. Is RV consignment an option for you? Despite the reason that you are selling your RV, the answer is likely yes and here’s why.
Even if you own a really nice camper, with a lot of nice features, you probably don’t know thing one about sales. The people at the consignment dealers are professionals. Seeing as how they do nothing outside of selling these campers, what makes you think that you could get as much money as they do? Even after commission is paid, many former RV owners admit that they would have likely not been able to get as much money as the professional did. After all, you are selling this thing to bring in as much off of your initial investment as possible right? Going a little bit above net book value is always the goal when selling such a large investment, and the consignment pros know exactly how to get that extra value.
Is RV consignment an option for you? Do you even have the time (or incredible amount of patience)that it takes to sell one of these things? If you are giving up time from something else, especially a job, where is the economic incentive for you? There is none! The professional’s job is to sell campers, so why not let them do it so you can concentrate on other things? Also, you will not have to deal with the stress involved with selling one of these machines. That alone, makes consignment worth it for many RV owners.
If you’ve got an RV that you would like to sell, please contact us using the phone number above or our contact form. With over 45 years of combined experience, you can be sure that we’ll be able to get top dollar for your used RV.