RV Hazards: Looking for Rust
So you’ve walked around the used RV a couple of times. You’ve checked the plumbing, discussed the warranty, and you have meticulously scanned for any hint of water damage. It’s all checked out. It’s clean, it’s beautiful, it’s just what you wanted…Or is it? Before you sign the deal, why don’t you take a peek underneath?
Where Do You Look for Rust?
Is there any rust? RV’s that have been stored in the backyard behind the tool shed absorbs moisture from the ground. This gets into the undercarriage, wreaking potential havoc on the frame, the brakes, and even plumbing fixtures. While there will always be some amount of rust that accumulates, you want to keep your eye out for deep rusting. Deep rust will cause the metal to flake off and bubbling beneath the paint. Deep rust spreads like cancer, so if you see this beneath your used RV, investigate it or run.
If you own an RV that is showing lots of rust in the undercarriage, take the time to fix the problem before it gets worse. Scrub the rust with a wire brush (while wearing appropriate protective gear) and then paint the area with an undercarriage paint designed to deter and trap rust.
The second thing to check beneath your RV is your tires. Just like on cars, tired out tires are a hazard. RV tires may appear fine but inquire about their age, not only the miles traveled. Old tires are more likely to crack or burst. If this happens while you’re driving this could be injurious, if not deadly. The best way to ensure that your driving will be safe is to get a new set of tires.
If you’re unsure about your RV’s condition, take it to the professionals for a check-up. Catching problems in the early stages (or before there’s a commitment) will save a ton of cash in the long run. For more information on used RV’s, contact us today or view our listings!