The Best RV’s for Your Weekend Getaway


The best way to evaluate the best recreational vehicles is by way of the manufacturer. Certainly, the top-rated RVs and manufacturers in the industry carry quite a bit of weight when it comes time to select the best RV for your weekend getaway. And let us face it: investing in an RV means a certain amount of adventure is in store on weekends such as fishing and naturally camping out. That’s why RV sales are on the rise.

Top RV's for Weekend GetawayHere we recommend the top 5 RV manufacturers and accompanying RVs perfect for any weekend getaway. We could have filled your head with all types and models however, that will not do you any good when it comes time to select the best of the best. Looking at manufacturers first is the best place to start.

Follow our list and find out which manufacturers earn the best grade for the top five. The most popular manufacturers in the way of RV sales follow.

Five of the Most Popular RV Manufacturers Today

Coachmen Industries

The manufacturer was established in the state of Indiana back in 1964. The company makes it its business to manufacture class A and mini style motor homes; travel trailers, two story varieties, roomy colonial models and the list goes on and on. The recreational vehicles offered by Coachmen Industries provide the RV Sales consumer with innovation such as computerized designed interiors as well as exteriors. The manufacturer is responsible for the Epic 2006. The ceiling height of this particular RV is an impressive seven feet and eleven inches. A Sports Coach Pathfinder makes a great choice in way of a Class A RV. As the Coachmen website informs: the Sports Coach Pathfinder is owned by the company’s president. It is a great model full of features—just like home such as leather furnishings; full kitchens, great cabinetry and more. This particular RV is a diesel motor home with a sophisticated twist to it!


The folks at Airstream began building excellent recreational accommodations in the way of trailers and RVs in 1931. The RVs produced by the established manufacturer are designed with that of the family in mind. The company is responsible for introducing the Land Yacht 390 XL. The Land Yacht 390 XL offers everything a recreational vehicle purchaser may wish including durability, luxurious interior and dependability as far as performance. It is the perfect travel home. Some of the RV’s features include roomy styled bathrooms; bedrooms, tile installed on the floor, and the list goes on and on. The RV offers luxury and affordability tied into a comfortable knot. It also offers a full kitchen Not only is it luxurious it is comfy-cozy inside. Great interiors, great exterior style best describes an RV built by the folks at Airstream.

Carriage RV

The Carriage RV hits third on our list of most popular RVs. The company is responsible for designing the following RVs: Royals International, Compass, and Cameo LXI in the way of cool stylish fifth wheel offerings. The interior of the Carriage RV fifth-wheels are fit for the traveling king or queen. The company truly provides the RV consumer the best in the way of stylish interiors and dependable fifth wheels. The carriage began manufacturing operations back in 1968. The folks maintain their long-standing reputation of providing recreational vehicles known to be exceptionally well-appointed as far as the interior aspect, yet comfortably affordable. In other words, when you purchase a Carriage RV you may rest-assured the company has considered every detail in providing its consumer the best in a travel vehicle and home.

Dynamax Corporation

Dynamax provides a luxurious RV or motor home designed to fit in with about any budget or lifestyle. They are the manufacturers and designers of the Grand Sport M2 luxury recreational vehicle. The company in way of its recreational vehicles offers powerful diesel engines and interesting interior designs. The Grand Sport M2 recreational vehicle is just not another pretty face though. It is practical yet provides a comfortable interior. It comes equipped with all the necessary appliances from that of two flat-screen televisions, refrigerators, and is Cable ready. What more could a traveling warrior of the road ask?

Holiday Rambler

Holiday Rambler makes the list as an internationally classed manufacturer of classic styled high-end motor homes and towable. The company has been in operation since 1953. It is basically a pioneer in making use of seam-free fiberglass for the exterior aspect of its RV. The material makes the recreational vehicle much more resistant to all weather conditions. The folks at Holiday Rambler are the original manufacturers of the 2000 Neptune—another fine choice in the way of an affordable recreational vehicle.

Visit Kirkland RV Today!

Kirkland offers the best in RV Sales options for the serious recreational vehicle consumer. Some of the best pre-owned RVs are available at Kirkland RV Sales. Why not start the ball rolling today? Contact Kirkland RV Sales in preparation of your next great weekend adventure! We can already smell the trout frying in the pan!