RV Arctic Packages to Outlast the Cold


Many people believe that RVs can only be used from late spring into early autumn. Once the cold weather rolls around, many will hastily clean out their motorhomes and roll them into storage. In reality, RVs are incredible resources for enjoying all kinds of winter fun; they just need a little care before you hit the road.

RV Arctic Packages

It’s true that motorhomes tend to work better in warmer climates. Hookups can stay connected all day, windows can swing open whenever it gets humid, and there’s no fear that your water tank might freeze during the night. Cold weather, on the other hand, is usually out to get everything functional about your RV, from your engine coolant to your holding tanks.

What Is an Arctic Package?

To equip your RV for simple winter functionality, RV retailers have developed arctic packages. These ‘packages’ contain a number of upgrades that you can add to your RV. Some of these upgrades include:

  • Double-paned windows.
  • Heating pads for wastewater, fresh water, sewage tanks.
  • Additional roof and floor insulation.
  • Temperature guarantees.
  • Enclosed underbellies.
  • Heated storage bays.

Almost every arctic package is different. They can be designed for different vehicles, serve different purposes, offer different warranties, and are available through a number of brands. Whether you’re looking at new or used RV sales, there is an arctic package out there that can meet the needs of your wallet and your vehicle this winter.

Beyond the Arctic Package

Arctic packages will do a lot to keep your RV functional and comfortable in colder climates. However, there are some weather conditions that will still be too much for your arctic package to handle. Too much faith in your arctic package additions can end up costing you thousands of dollars in RV repairs, so it is important that you take extra precautions to ensure that your vehicle is ready to battle the cold. Some of these precautions include:

1. Electric Heaters

Whether they are large and for indoor use or small enough to run as a backup in your wet bay, electric heaters are great to have on hand. Propane heaters release substantial amounts of moisture into the air, so steer away from these resources. Should the heating pads on your water tank or the additional insulation in your RV fail, these electric heaters will be sure to keep you and your RV at an agreeable temperature.

2. RV Skirt

No matter the kind of cold weather you end up in, it is important that you find a way to skirt your RV. Even if you had the underside of your used RV enclosed with an upgrade in your arctic package, any amount of damage to the underside of your vehicle will have you looking at thousand dollar repairs. Skirting your RV as soon as you arrive on site will help to trap warm air beneath the vehicle.

3. Dehumidifiers

As we live, cook, and dry out in our warm, insulated RVs can quickly begin to fill with moisture and feel quite humid. Not only can this water condense and freeze to your windows and cupboards, but exposing your vehicle to that much moisture can encourage mold and mildew growth in your RV.

To avoid these problems, it is important that the inside of your RV stay as dry as possible. One simple way to do this is to crack a vent every few hours. Just be sure you have vent covers installed. Another solution is to purchase dehumidifiers like DampRid to pull excess moisture out of the air.

Whether you’re looking to insulate your RV or insulate your home we suggest using Clean Attic & Crawl for all of your insulation needs.

New and Used RV Sales

As our technicians here at Kirkland RV have performed RV sales and repairs, we’ve run across a number of vehicles that utilize arctic packages. These vehicles are better equipped to outlast the challenging winter weather and give their owners a far more pleasant and memorable winter experience.

If you are interested in purchasing a new or used RV, or would like first-hand recommendations from experienced motorhome repairmen, contact Kirkland RV. Our technicians would be more than happy to answer all of your questions and help you find ways to make your winter excursions more comfortable and enjoyable.